Thursday, July 7, 2011

Activity 1

Experiment the Side of Chemistry

Questions to Answer:

1. Does hot water or cold water freeze faster?
2. Does hot water or cold water boil faster?
3. Does salt water freeze faster or slower than regular water?

1. Hot water will freeze faster than cold water.
2. Cold water will freeze more quickly than hot water.
3. Regular water will freeze faster than water containing salt.


5)Controlled Varibles:
Amount of water (1 cup for freezing experiement, 1 quart for boiling experiment)
Size of Container
Size of oven burner

1. I believe that hot water will freeze faster than cold water. I believe this because the shock from hot to cold temperatures will cause the water to react more quickly thus changing its state.
2. Hot water will boil faster than cold water. I think this theory because he water is already warm so it has less of a change when it begins to boil.
3. Salt water will freeze slower than regular water because there is more than the normal molecules in water. Addign another molecule will slow the whole process down.

7)Image of water molecule atoms


Water in solid, liquid and gas state

9)Scientific Method
1. Ask a question-
The questions that will were asked include does hot or cold water freeze faster, does hot or cold water boil faster and does sal water or regular water freeze faster.
2. Do background research-
I gained background information from the power points offered to the class. The Powerpoints offered information about molecules and this helped me form a hypothesis.
3. Write a Hypothesis- For this activity I wrote three hypthoesis based on my background knowledge and what I though may happen during the experiement.

4. Test hypothesis. I conducted the experiement twice to see how accurate the data was and prove if my hypothesis were correct or incorrect.

5.Show in graphs and write a conclusion. I did this by showing the data in a graphed formed and writing why I found what I found.

6. Visually display results. This was found when I put the information into a table and graph.

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