A.4.3 When Investigating a science-related problem, decide what data can be collected to determine the most useful explanations.
I feel that I met this standard during an environmental biology class. As a group we were required to go to a creek and take date about different features and what comprised it. Before we left to go out in the field we had to decide what we could do to reflect the characteristics of the creek. We decided that if we collected the speed of the water flow this would help us give a useful explanation of our findings.
B 4.1 Use encyclopedias, source books, texts, computers, teachers, parents, other adults, journals, popular press, and various other sources to help answer science-related questions and plan investigations.
I have met this sub standard during the time period of this class. When researching information about atoms and atomic structure I used the resources of a chemistry text to help me understand the information better to answer the questions that were before me.
C 4.2 Use the science content being learned to ask questions, plan investigations, make observations, make predictions, and offer explanations.
This standard was met in the first activity that was completed. During the activity I was given the opportunity to answer questions through research. While doing the research I experimented and observed them which helped me to offer explanations. I also made a perdiciton about the outcome based on prior knowledge.
D 4.3 Understand that substances can exist in different states- solid, liquid, gas.
This standard was also met during the time period of this class. When researching information about water I learned how it works being in three different states. I learned that water being a solid is an ice cube, it is a liquid when it is regular water and it is a gas when it is created from something like water vapors.
E 4.1 Investigate that earth materials are composed of rocks and soils and correctly use the vocabulary for rocks, minerals, and soils during the investigations.
I feel that I met this standard but not in this class. I participated in a program where I helped kids learn about different earth materials. I helped teach about different minerals and soils as well as learned about these from someone that is an expert in the field.
F 4.3 Illustrate the different ways that organisms grow through life stages ad survive to produce new members of their type.
This standard was met outside of the chemistry classroom. In a past class we were asked to draw a poster of all the life stages an animal goes through. We had to talk about what may alter these stages and how it is a never ending in most scenarios.
G 4.5 Ask questions to find answers about how devices and machines were invented. Being a marketing educator this is a popular question that is asked. During a previous class we were asked to research about a device of our choice. We had to go through and talk about how it was invented and what steps had to be taken to implement it. We also talked about different ways that is could have been improved or ways the outcome would have been changed.
H 4.3 Show how science has contributed to meeting personal needs, including hygiene, nutrition, exercises, safety, and health care. During this class we were asked to research about what chemical combinations were in everyday household items. This is one way that this standard was met. We looked at the science that makes up shampoo which helps us keep good hygiene. We learned that there are a number of chemicals in things that we do not know but need to accomplished all of these personal needs.
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